Common Reactions of Crime Victims

Common Reactions of Crime Victims

Crime victims experience a wide range of emotions that depend on the type of crime committed. For example, a victim of theft has a much different feeling than a violent crime victim. Both crime victims experience the feeling of vulnerability, but the violent crime victim has intense feelings that can include anger, fear, and anxiety.

Common reactions of crime victims can also vary in how long they last. Some crime victims can shake off a crime in a matter of a few days, while it can take other crime victims a lifetime to come to grips with being a victim of a crime.

For a majority of crime victims, support is required for the victims to heal properly. If you are a victim of a crime, you should consider working with a team of professional that can help you cope with the aftermath of the crime.

Physical Reactions After a Crime

Some crimes leave victims with one or more serious injuries. Treating physical trauma is the first thing that healthcare providers do after a particularly violent crime. There is also the physical reaction called shock that can develop into a life-threatening condition if not addressed quickly. Because of a rush of adrenaline, a crime victim might also experience faster breathing, as well as an accelerated heart rate.

Here some common physical reactions after a crime:

  • Aches
  • Easily startled
  • Unexplained sudden heart palpitations
  • Upset stomach
  • Trouble eating
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe headaches
  • Getting sick more often
  • Increase drug and/or alcohol consumption

Emotional Reactions After a Crime

Long after the physical wounds have healed, emotional trauma becomes the focal point of many crime victims. A feeling of being cut off from your emotions might start the avalanche of emotions, but eventually, unhealthy emotions like anger and depression can have an adverse impact on your life. Anger often takes over after the numbness wears off, only to fade away into depression and a feeling of helplessness.

Acute stress disorder, which can trigger many of the physical reactions that we mentioned earlier, also wreaks havoc on the brain. The disorder can produce memory loss, concentration issues, and haunting flashbacks. If acute stress disorder continues to be an issue around a month after a crime took place, then you might be experiencing the classic signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Here are some more common emotional reactions after a crime:

  • Forgetting details about the crime
  • Cannot remember the instructions given to you by law enforcement
  • Detached from friends and family members
  • Constantly feeling nervous
  • Loss of optimism for the future
  • Diminished interest in doing the things you love to do
  • Always on guard
  • Disturbing dreams
  • Unpredictable outbursts of rage
  • Suicidal thoughts

Getting Help is the Answer

Many of us have too much pride when it comes to seeking help when trying to cope with being a victim of a crime. Yet, doing nothing can lead you down a path that has a sign posted that reads “Dead End.” Recovering from a crime can be even more difficult if you do not have the support of your friends and relatives. Sometimes, people close to a crime victim blame the victim for the crime. Then, we have uncaring prosecutors and criminal court judges that lack empathy.

If you are a victim of any type of crime, lean on the professional expertise and the empathic support of former criminal prosecutor Michael L. Fell. Michael has organized a talented team of crime victim rights advocates that also provide emotional support when you need it the most.

Call Michael today at 949-585-9055 to schedule a meeting to discuss your feelings, as well as get direction on where to seek additional physical and emotional support.